Auto Live Roulette

Auto Live Roulette

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What is Live Auto Roulette?

The traditional live Roulette game utilises a human croupier to manage chips and spin the wheel. That is not the case with Live Auto Roulette. In this game, the croupier has been replaced by a technologically-advanced roulette wheel that spins automatically. But don't worry, the roulette wheel is absolutely real.

As a sleek, sophisticated, new form of gaming technology, the automated roulette wheel speeds up play by not allowing the game to lag. Players only have a certain amount of time to place their wagers before the wheel spins. As such, there is no hanging about. More spins per hour means more opportunities to place your bets and claim your winnings.

Another thing of note is the fact that an automatic roulette wheel doesn't need to take any breaks. That means there is no need for us to close the Live Auto Roulette table. It is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. All you need to play is an internet connection and either a mobile device or computer.

Live Auto Roulette is every bit as real as our other live roulette offerings. The game takes place as you see it unfold on your screen. The sights and sounds you experience are genuine, as the game takes place in a studio setting where other roulette games are also being played. In essence, Live Auto Roulette brings the casino experience to you no matter where you are.

How to Play Live Auto Roulette

The point of automating the roulette wheel is to keep the pace of the game going. As such, you will find Live Auto Roulette to be a faster game. You do not have to rush through making your wagers, but you do have to pay attention to keep up. That's all part of this game though.

In terms of the Live Auto Roulette rules, it plays like any other European-style game. Next to the roulette wheel is the betting table, also known as the layout. The layout consists of both inside and outside areas where bets are placed. Inside bets have higher odds meaning larger payouts; outside bets have lower odds so lower payouts.

You can place your wagers by dragging and dropping chips wherever you want them. It pays to know how to make each of the different bets possible in roulette because each type of wager requires placing chips at a particular position on the layout. As an example, you might want to bet on the first 12 numbers. Rather than placing an individual chip on each number in the inside area, you would place your chips on the 1-12 spot on the outside.

The numbers on the inside are reserved for certain kinds of wagers. Bet on a single number, a diagonal line of three numbers, a group of four numbers with a shared corner, or a single line or column. If you are not familiar with how to place wagers in roulette, don't worry. There is plenty of online information that explains it all.

As you play Live Auto Roulette you will be using computer-generated buttons to control your actions. The two most important buttons to familiarise yourself with are the 'Undo' and 'Clear' buttons. The former removes the last wager you placed while the latter clears all of your chips from the table. Winning chips stay on the table unless you purposely clear them.

Live Auto Roulette: Extra Features and Bonus Play

Speed is the main feature in Live Auto Roulette. However, there is another special feature we suspect you will appreciate. It is the favourite bets feature. When you click the 'star' icon at the bottom of your screen, a new dialogue box will open. Here is where you can create your own list of favourite bets. When you want to use one of those bets during a game, just click the 'star' icon again.

Favourite bets further streamline gameplay by letting you place your favourite wagers with the click of a mouse or the touch of your finger. You are not wasting time dragging all those chips onto the table spin after spin.

We want our casino to be your home for Live Auto Roulette. To say thank you to our most loyal players, we offer regular bonuses that can include everything from free games to bonus deposits. Our loyalty bonuses are yet another reason to play Live Auto Roulette here.

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